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Breaking Glass Ceilings - At the pinnacle of Tech!

Doreen Bogdan-Martin commences her first term as International Telecommunications Union Secretary General.

Doreen Bogdan-Martin has recently taken up the role as the next International Telecommunications Union (ITU) Secretary General after her election win at the ITU 2022 Plenipotentiary Conference in Bucharest, Romania. She gathered 139 votes out of a possible 172 votes casted by ITU Member States.

Doreen broke the proverbial glass ceiling as the first woman in the 157-year history of the ITU to be elected as Secretary-General which is an inspiration to women aspiring for leadership roles. In 2018, she was the first woman Elected Official as the Director of the Telecommunication Development Bureau of the ITU.

Given her track record as BDT Director and the long standing years in the quest for women in leadership, her appointment is indeed a journey that many women across all continents and disciplines can celebrate. It affirms the importance of advocacy and campaigns towards women engagement and participation.

As many young women struggle to access information and career opportunities in STEM, this opens a new chapter for possibilities and rewards on diversity and inclusion campaigns. Doreen began a global movement of youths in ICT that gained global popularity, Generation Connect Youths who advance the ITU mandate in their national administrations.

Aminia Dada Innovations was honored to be part of the initiatives that benefitted from Doreen’s term as the BDT Director. She vigorously sought open spaces for youth participation in policy, leadership and governance. She was heavily involved in ensuring that the digital space is accessible in remote areas and the gender digital divide gap bridged.

As Doreen takes up her role at the global stage, she shines bright against all odds through her relevance and prowess in breaking barriers that prevent women and girls, we are yet to see what more this noble good lady has to offer as Secretary General.

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